Make your transaction easy and trouble-free with Letters of Credit

In the international trade, there is the matter of transaction involved between two different participating nations. As the trading partners are not familiar with each other, there can be the mistrust of the payment method. In Thailand, the traders are looking for a good solution. Letter of credit in Thailand is a good and effective option. In the article, you will know about the option and its different good effects.

Letter of credit: Know a brief idea

A letter of credit is a popular and effective method that makes good use for the easy and stress-less payment method. It has another name documentary credit or banker’s commercial credit. This payment mechanism has great usage in international trade. It is to provide the economic guarantee from the creditworthy bank to the seller. There is the matter of the reliability that makes the usage of the financial option more reliable. Know about the advantages in the next segment.

Letters of Credit in Thailand
The positive results of letters of credit

A letter of credit has different advantages in the international business. Some of the important ones are:
  • Customisable: It is to note that the letter of credit is customisable. Both the trading partner can present their conditions and terms according to their requirements. Then they come to the mutual lists of clauses. There is also custom from the one transaction to another with the similar business partners.
  • Safe expansion of the business: A letter of credit gives the traders an option to transact with the unknown partners. There is also a great scope to establish a great relationship to expand its business. The more they will grow their business the more they will prosper.
  • Guarantees the seller of the money: This option makes the issuing authority independent of the trading partner’s obligation and the contention stemming from them. The authority needs to check the submitted documents to satisfy the beneficiary and pay the full amount.
  • Quick to execute: A letter of credit is swift to execute. There are some initial terms and conditions, the seller and the purchaser have to present the evidence of the material type with the shipping documents. There will be the nod from the concerning authority and there will be the full payment.
Contact a reputed NBFC
Merchant Trade Guarantee Corporation Company Limited is a reputed and pioneering NBFC that provides different options for the transaction options including the letter of credit in Thailand. They offer reliable and fast service at an affordable rate.


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